Frequently asked questions.
Infrared Sauna Pod FAq’s
We recommend that you arrive at the studio in loose fitting clothing or bring loose fitting clothing with you. It can be difficult to put on tighter clothing after you sweat.
You can go nude or wear clothing in the infrared sauna pod. If you choose to wear clothes, we suggest that men wear workout or swim trunks and women wear a bathing suit or workout shorts and a tank top or sports bra.
Protip: Don’t forget your headphones if you’d like to listen to your own music or watch a show while you sauna!
Drink a minimum of 8 oz. of water to prepare your body for an increase in core body temperature.
Unlike traditional (hot rock or steam) saunas–which operate in excess of 200°F–infrared heat has the benefit of being effective at a more comfortable operating temperature of 100°-150°F. At Recover Well, we suggest beginners start at a level 5, a temperature of 130°F. We can adjust this temperature either higher or lower to every person's individual needs.
Infrared saunas heat you very gently and slowly, making it a very peaceful experience for most people. You may find that you do not sweat for the first 10-15 minutes, or not very much at all your first time. With increased usage you will likely notice an increased ability to sweat more productively.
After the sauna you may notice glowing skin, diminished wrinkles, muscle and injury relief as well as a sense of relaxation.
The typical session is 30 minutes and most people come 3-4 times a week. However, sauna use should be tailored to each person’s individual needs and goals.
Please consult with your own physician before using infrared saunas while pregnant or breastfeeding.
At Recover Well we use Sunlighten Infrared Solo System saunas. Please review a full list of contraindications provided by the Sunlighten manufacturer and consult your physician before using an infrared sauna.
whole body cryotherapy FAq’s
Cryotherapy is the science of using cold temperatures to safely lower your skin’s temperature to induce relaxation, and overall wellness benefits.
Our cryo chamber uses liquid nitrogen to cool the air around you. It feels more like standing in front of a freezer on a hot day than frigid cold. This provides the benefits of an ice bath in less time and without the discomfort.
Our chamber gets to temperatures as low as -220 degrees. At Recover Well, we suggest beginners start with only a minute or two at -166 degrees.
Cryo sessions last a maximum of 3 minutes but can be shorter based on each person’s particular experience, goals and needs.
Cryotherapy treatments are not dangerous as the liquid nitrogen that is used as a chilling agent does not come into contact with your skin. A trained operator is always present during the treatment to control the temperature levels and monitor your comfort.
Most people go in their underwear or a bathing suit. Some women prefer workout shorts and a tank top or sports bra. You will be given a robe to wear to the chamber from the dressing room and you can keep the robe on or remove it inside the chamber.
We will also provide mittens, ear warmers, socks and foot protection to protect your extremities from the cold.
All jewelry must be removed. Undergarments that have metal, such a metal on bra strap, should also be removed.
Claustrophobic clients can still enjoy our treatments. We are able to lower the window to your comfort level so that you will not be completely enclosed. Our technician is also standing next to the chamber the entire time and should you wish to get out you can simply apply light pressure to the door and it will easily push open,
Yes. The nitrogen being used to cool these chambers is the same nitrogen that makes up the air we breathe (78% of it, to be exact). Inside the chamber, you will breathe room-air. For added safety, the chamber is also equipped with an oxygen monitor.
Most people can do a cryotherapy session. However, you should always consult your physician or other health care professional before starting cryotherapy.
Celluma is an FDA cleared light therapy device for treating wrinkles, acne & pain conditions.
Celluma provides energy that helps compromised cells regenerate naturally. (Macrophage cells exposed to red light therapy release cytokines that stimulate the production of growth factors influencing the inflammatory process, healing and wound repair).
It increases the production of collagen & elastin, increases blood circulation and decreases inflammation.
Most people feel, or see, an improvement with one or two uses.
Yes! The technology embedded in Celluma was developed by NASA.
No, there is little or no sensation, Celluma helps tissue heal naturally from the inside out. Afterwards you should feel rejuvenation and experience less pain.
LED Light Therapy is safe for most people. However, those taking photosensitive medication, people who have Epilepsy/Seizures, any known metastasis (any forms of cancer) or who are under 12 should not use Celluma. Celluma should also not be used over the breast or stomach of a breast-feeding or pregnant person. However, you should always consult your physician or other health care professional to determine if LED light therapy is right for you.
For face treatments, skin should be free of makeup. Many makeup formulas contain minerals that may deflect light. Clean, freshly washed skin is recommended for best results.