whole body cryotherapy
Whole Body Cryotherapy is a quick (1-3 minute) treatment that exposes the entire body to sub-zero temperatures in order to promote recovery, performance, wellness, beauty, and weight loss benefits. At Recover Well, we use the °CRYO Arctic™ chamber which is designed to deliver the easiest, safest, and most effective whole body cryotherapy treatments in the industry. Built using state of the art technology, and created to ensure that the client is never in direct contact with nitrogen vapors, the °CRYO Arctic™ matches its futuristic design with the highest safety standards.
Exposure to ultra-low temperatures triggers beneficial effects in the body and brain. After the session concludes, the freshly oxygenated blood is delivered throughout the body, aiding in healing, and reducing pain and inflammation.
Pain Management
Cryotherapy reduces pain and speeds up the injury recovery process. During a treatment, the body slows down nerve signal transmissions and releases a neurotransmitter that reduces pain sensitivity. The treatment also speeds up the recovery process by boosting the flow of nutrient-rich blood.
Performance & Fitness
Cryotherapy users can train harder, longer, and recover quicker, which helps them achieve maximum results from workouts. During a treatment, as temperatures rapidly cool, oxygen is pushed through the body to help reduce inflammation, relieve pain and recover the muscles.
Beauty & Anti Aging
Cryotherapy can help maintain a youthful appearance by reducing the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, while also tightening the skin and reducing cellulite. Cryotherapy stimulates collagen production in the deeper layers of skin resulting in a smoother, firmer and more youthful look.
Health & Wellness
Medical studies have shown that WBC helps individuals battle insomnia and induces deeper sleep. The treatment also reduces stress and anxiety, and improves the immune system and organ function.
Weight Loss
Cryotherapy promotes natural loss of weight. The treatment helps stimulate blood flow throughout the body and boost the delivery of oxygenated blood, which leads to the increase of metabolic rate.